February 10, 2025

NTH-100M by Rode: A Detailed Review of a Great Gaming Headset with Limited Functionality


Rode NTH-100M Review: An Excellent Gaming Headset with Limited Use

The Rode NTH-100M gaming headset is designed to provide superior sound quality for gamers. It features a noise-canceling microphone, 50mm drivers, and a lightweight design. However, the headset is not without its limitations.

Comfort and Design

The Rode NTH-100M gaming headset is a lightweight and comfortable headset designed for extended gaming sessions. It features a padded headband and ear cups that provide a secure and comfortable fit. The ear cups swivel 90 degrees, making it easy to store the headset when not in use.

Sound Quality and Microphone

The Rode NTH-100M gaming headset produces excellent sound quality, thanks to its 50mm drivers. The headset also features a noise-canceling microphone that filters out background noise and provides clear voice communication during gameplay. The microphone is detachable, making it easy to use the headset for music or video conferencing when not gaming.


The Rode NTH-100M gaming headset is an excellent headset for gaming, but it has some limitations. The headset does not have a volume control, which can be an issue when gaming in noisy environments. The headset is also not compatible with all gaming systems, so it is important to check compatibility before purchasing.


  • Is the Rode NTH-100M gaming headset comfortable for extended gaming sessions?
  • Yes, the Rode NTH-100M gaming headset features a padded headband and ear cups that provide a secure and comfortable fit.
  • Can the microphone be detached from the Rode NTH-100M gaming headset?
  • Yes, the microphone is detachable, making it easy to use the headset for music or video conferencing when not gaming.
  • Is the Rode NTH-100M gaming headset compatible with all gaming systems?
  • No, the Rode NTH-100M gaming headset is not compatible with all gaming systems, so it is important to check compatibility before purchasing.
  • Does the Rode NTH-100M gaming headset have a volume control?
  • No, the Rode NTH-100M gaming headset does not have a volume control, which can be an issue when gaming in noisy environments.

In summary, the Rode NTH-100M gaming headset is an excellent choice for gamers who prioritize sound quality and comfort. However, the headset may not be suitable for every gaming environment and is not compatible with all gaming systems.
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