February 9, 2025

Recycling Energy to Heat Swimming Pools for Free: A Startup’s Innovative Solution


Start-up Recycles Energy to Heat Swimming Pools for Free

Many commercial swimming pools consume a hefty amount of energy to stay warm, which not only affects the environment but also adds to the facility’s expenses. Fortunately, a start-up in the United States has come up with a cost-effective solution to this problem: energy recycling.

What is Energy Recycling?

Energy recycling is a process where heat is extracted from a source such as the waste heat from air conditioning or industrial processes and reused for other purposes, such as pool heating.

How does the Company Do it?

The start-up has developed a heat recovery system that uses patent-pending technology to extract heat from the air conditioning units of commercial buildings. The recovered heat is then transferred to the pool water, heating it up to the desired temperature.

What are the Benefits?

This innovative solution not only saves energy and reduces carbon footprint, but it also results in significant financial savings. According to the start-up, sixty percent of the heated pool’s energy can be obtained for free, resulting in up to 40% savings on the total heating cost.

What are the Challenges?

The biggest challenge for the company is getting access to the energy waste streams. Moreover, since this technology is relatively new, many organizations might not be aware of its benefits or overlook it as an unproven concept.


Recycling energy for pool heating can be a game-changer for commercial pool operators looking to reduce their carbon footprint and operating costs. With the right infrastructure and incentives in place, widespread adoption can bring significant positive impacts for the environment and business.

The start-up has developed a unique and cost-effective solution for commercial pool operators looking to save on energy costs – energy recycling. The innovative technology recovers waste heat from commercial building air conditioning units and repurposes it for pool heating, resulting in 60% of the energy being obtained for free.


Q: What is energy recycling?
A: Energy recycling is a process where waste heat is extracted from a source and reused for other purposes such as pool heating.

Q: How does the heat recovery system work for pool heating?
A: The system uses patent-pending technology to extract heat from the air conditioning units of commercial buildings, transferring the recovered heat to the pool water, heating it up to the desired temperature.

Q: What are the benefits of energy recycling for pool heating?
A: The solution not only saves energy and reduces carbon footprint but also lowers operating costs – up to 40% savings on the total heating cost.

Q: What are the challenges for energy recycling?
A: The biggest challenge is getting access to the energy waste streams, and since this technology is relatively new, many might overlook its benefits.
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